RATIONENCE is an advisory and consulting firm, focused on Analytical & Business Intelligence innovation, cutting edge technologies, modern process reengineering, advanced Data Mining and analytics methodologies...
Inspired by the «Rational Evidence» concept, a deep insight into raw data to bring out the most strategic Business Information with awareness and intelligence. A new active tense, to exploit the business data asset, wisely transforming it and disclosing it so to provide new additional value to our Clients.
A team of professionals, with permanent academic relation, constitutes our board....
"In January 2025 Rationence celebrated 10 years of presence on the market."
On Monday, January 21, 2025, Rationence celebrated 10 years of presence on the market.
The anniversary was then celebrated in the prestigious restaurant of Villa Torretta.
We hope for another 10 anniversaries of this kind!
"Accellerare il Business con SAS e TD SYNNEX: Strategia, Tecnologia e Partnership per il Futuro."
On Tuesday, February 4, 2025, during a partner event organized by SAS in collaboration with TD Synnex in Milan,
Rationence presented its solution "Abstract Finder" with which it won the recent global SAS Hackathon
competition in the Life Sciences category.
We thank SAS for the opportunity to present our solution.
Radio interview with our president Giuseppe Marcon for StoryTime on Radio Canale Italia on 12-18-2024.
A personal insight of his career and some of the values that guided to the born of Rationence.
- The interview on our YouTube channel! |
We won the SAS international competition in the Life Sciences category!
We are proud to announce our winning at the SAS Hackathon 2024 competition in the Life Science category.
During the period of the competition, our team implemented an innovative solution to search, summarize and rank scientific articles from the famous PubMed central database.
The solution exploits the capabilities of generative AI to enhance Biomedical Literature Retrieval and it integrates several innovative technologies such as:
The solution integrates a serie of Python libraries with several SAS products of the Viya suite, including SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Visual Text Analytics.
Below you can find the short version of our presentation at the Hackathon competition and a link to a longer and technical video presentation.
Download long technical version of our presentation(about 380 MB) |
Our version of these videos published on our YouTube channel! |
- Rationence Winner at SAS Hackathon! |
- Rationence Winner at SAS Hackathon! (Long Version) |
Master in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analysis!
For the second consecutive year, Rationence is sponsor of the master's degree in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analysis that is regularly kept by the University of Milan Bicocca, (Address: Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8.)
The Case Study based on a Credit Risk sample data set has been fully documented in R language, using Knime software, and in Python!
We are going to finish the documentation of the Microstrategy project development of the same case study.
Final step the presentation of a solution with SAS Viya currently on going.
In general the boosting models need more computing time, but reach the best results looking to the Accuracy of the prediction.
The winner models lastly are:
This special presentation of our company is leaded by a modern avatar AI
realized with the last ChatGPT, Midjourney & D-ID tools.
Download presentation ppsx version |
We hope it could be appreciated.
SAS ready for an IPO in 2025! After over 50 years! That's a news!
As said directly from Jim Goodnight, CEO at SAS:
"Over the years, SAS has built a reputation for innovation, a relentless focus on the customer, and strong sense of corporate identity. As we chart our path toward IPO-readiness, we will continue to invest in our brand and platform, prioritizing our core values, and empowering customers to solve their most complex problems."
The SAS IPO initially announced for 2024 has been postponed to 2025
Read more in SAS press release.
Best Open Source software for end to end data science!
Knime has grown in about fifteen years becoming a reference in the world of data scientists
who are looking to a consistent solution for their analytical needs.
The developing team has done a very good job maintaining the Knime software
up do date and open to the most modern cloud platforms, data base, and methodologies.
Knime provides hundreds of machine learning algorithms
easily configurable in an interface which is simple to navigate and visually attractive!
We are glad to be part of the KNIME partner community starting from may 2021,
to share our experience in building analytical models, ETL processes and reports.
One of the best choices among the Analytical and Business Intelligence technologies!
Making data available in smart and appealing interfaces is important as the data analysis itself. That's why, starting from July 2021, Rationence is a Microstrategy partner, which provides business intelligence platforms to create interactive reports and dashboards embedded in web and apps, integrating data analysis with machine learning and data mining features.
Rationence continues to hire candidates interested in consulting in all topics related to data analysis.
We are looking for people who are passionate about analytical technologies and Business Intelligence and related topics.
Data mining, machine learning, business process analysis, data integration projects, data warehouse methodology, statistical analysis, architecture and design of web portals, development of dashboards for decision support ...
with particular attention to technological integration and innovations, mainly regarding the most recent themes such as Big Data and data processing in the Cloud environment.
Download presentation ppsx version |
If you think you are qualified to work with us, please send us your resume at job@rationence.eu. You will find a place of Freedom and Responsibility, Training and Sharing of Knowledge, Proactivity and Participation, Growth and Qualification, Innovation and Creativity, Respect and Professionalism.
The best candidates will be contacted as soon as possible.
Data privacy authorization is required. Past experience and scientific academic qualifications are appreciated.
For Advanced Analytics projects Rationence joined the SAS Global Alliance & Channel Program, becoming in january 2016 reseller partner of SAS, and then moving for the standard Silver Partner Program.
We work mainly for clients belonging to the area of
finance, consumer credit, fashion and distribution.
The SAS technology is for us the best choice to promote the integration of congruent processes
for the exploitation of the wealth of information available to the companies.
SAS is essential for the best projects of
Analytics, Risk Management, Marketing Automation, Customer Intelligence,
and more widely for advanced web reporting, Visual Analytics, Data Management and Data Quality.
We are looking for people passionate for
Analytical and Business Intelligence technologies and related themes:
Data Mining, Machine Learning, Business Process analysis,
Data Integration projects, Data Warehouse methodology,
Statistical Analysis, Web Portal architecture and design,
Executive dashboard development ...
with a focus on technology integration and innovations,
mainly versus Big Data and data processing on clouds environment.
If you think to be qualified to work with us, send us your resume to job@rationence.eu. You will find a place of Freedom and Responsibility, Training and Knowledge Sharing, Pro-Activity and Participation, Growth and Qualification, Innovation and Creativity, Respect and Professionality.
Best candidate will be contacted soon!
Data Privacy authorization is required.